Well, shit.

I got let go today.Not officially, of course, as if that’s supposed to make me feel any better. I had told my bosses two weeks ago that effective next week my new availability is Fri/Sat. The two busiest days, I figured this would still allow me to be helpful but limit things since my arthritis is bad and they weren’t listening to my requests not to overbook. Today was the last day before that went into effect. Today as I’m cleaning up at the very end I was informed they hired a full time groomer so I will be contacted for “excess grooming”. Let’s be real, I won’t be contacted.

I drove home feeling numb. I came home and cried. I napped. We did errands and ate. I showered and napped again. I don’t feel any better. Husband’s mother likely won’t be able to up my hours enough to compensate.

I am in a bad place mentally.

This was a bad addition to that.

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